Saturday, September 24, 2011

Seven Celebration of 9/24/04

Tonight we had a beautiful celebration of our calling to Opal House seven years ago today. Will made some homemade pesto (our basil is doing well)and I set up a cozy table for dinner in the center of our chapel. We lit candles on the table, on the children's altar up in front and on the back wall. It was so peaceful. Will,Ryan and I ate dinner and we shared our story with Ryan on how we came to live here up in the mountains of Guatemala. Then we spontaneously had a worship service afterwards. We held candles while we sang songs, each of us read a Scripture and just enjoyed the beauty of our chapel with the view of luminous, billowly clouds hanging over the lake at sunset. Ryan felt that we should close this special night with s'mores made over our propane stove. He really had to force us to do it....
Today was so sunny, it was easy to forget that we are still in the rainy season. Really, they should just call it the 'flea season'. This has been a never ending battle with those tiny creeps. I drowned them with the garden hose the other day. I felt somewhat joyous doing it. It doesn't help that we had one momma cat and her 5 babies and JoJo living in the sunroom. I can't spray more Avon Skin So Soft or Off Insect Repellent than I do now without creating a health hazard for myself. It's just an irritation but it can make you crazy! Speaking of insects, Ryan is now learning all about those creepy creatures, fleas included. I'm homeschooling him here this year and I'm enjoying re-learning alot of what I have forgotten over the years. He has alot of visuals around here.He happened to be reading up on quails and it just so happened that we have added a couple of quail to our menagerie of animals. He could immediately make up close observations. And we planted a wild flower garden and have many different types of insects visiting it daily. I see his excitement over learning from life that is happening around us every day. He found a dead, it wasn't playing was dead. The first one seen here. I think the Mayans have somewhat cleaned out the mountains of most small mammals. Ryan is now the head caretaker of the animals. I hope he'll take it to the next level and clean out those pens. We still want to add chickens and maybe a pig (hopefully one that does not look like Wilbur, I will not have the heart to make it into pork chops)
On another note, Guatemala had their elections on the 11th of this month. The guy who won has a campaign symbol of an iron fist...'mano dura'. He's an ex-general of the 35 year civil war here. It's an indication that the people want someone who can do something about the violence in this country. Unfortunately, it's like they don't remember that it was the generals and the army that killed over 200,000 rural mayans. There were protests in the streets in some of the pueblos around here afterwards. But we heard that it was over the election of the local mayors. The people feel that many votes are bought.
It is amazing to see how the past seven years have flown by and where we are today. We are grateful and are content with where we are. We have learned to just live in the rhythm of the day like our neighbors and stop to enjoy the beauty that is surrounding us. Yes, we have had to make adjustments, especially living in the rural flea season, keeping the mice from turning our roof into a condominium, bats in the belfry, picking out insect parts out of my teaching supplies, run-away goats, disobedient dogs, fighting rabbits, falling into mole holes, african killer bees that are just passing by...well, you get the picture.

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