Monday, July 29, 2013

She's Back!

It's been such a long time since I've blogged! We have been busy with the school, training, afternoon classes, first communion classes from the church.....and our welcomed visitors. But I'm back and thought it would be nice to just show the pics of our school. This was our atrium or place where we had hoped to have 'our quiet time', our time of prayer and reflection. But it wa such a small cubby space that we are now using it for our coat and backpack space. We are moving all of our Bible figures and stories to our chapel. We had 4 bookshelves made by our local carpenter to house our materiales in the chapel. We have them on wheels so that we can move them aroud when we have classes for our Montessori children or our afternoon kids.

This is a wide view of our Montessori classroom. It really is a beautiful room and the furniture is made from the trees on the property. I am so grateful for our carpenter. How wonderful to be able to show him a picture of something that I want, we bring him the wood and 'ya esta'!
This is a child size 'pila'. A pila is a 3-part cement container that the locals use for washing clothes, dishes, themselves and dead chickens. This is where our children wash their hands in the a.m., wash their dishes and the towels and rags that we use daily. They LOVE using soap and washing, washing, washing. Something about water and soap. Normally, kids have an aversion to both :)

This is the view from the back patio. The children enjoy 'sneaking' out of class and just hanging out and observing things. We took a morning and used our binoculars to look at the surrounding volcanos, pueblos,birds, trees. These are the things that these children would not have an opportunity to do and it thrills me to watch them learn something new or use a material that they would probably not have access to.

These are the stairs leading up to our second floor. Notice our wooden quetzal which is their countrie's bird, not easily found but has beautiful plummage and long, long tail feathers.

Well, I will blog more pics as the 'hamsters' that allow this computer to function have slowed down on the hamster wheel....hasta luego