Please meet Aubrey (in back), she is our new intern for the next three months. She is also helping teach English to some ladies in Agua Escondida. They had some gal time doing their nails the other day....a most important task for maintaining beauty!
Remember that "Anda" that I wrote about that Will and I carried for Easter???!!!Well, here is the pic, and let me reiterate HOW HEAAAVY it was, I wish shoulder pads were still in fashion, I could have used one then.....
No, he did not get his face painted (on the left)! Here are our twin baby goats that were just born recently, aren't they so cute? They really do remind me of what unbounded joy looks like when I see them leaping and practicing butting their little heads! Pimiento, the papa goat is quite the busy guy. Our rabbits are not doing so well. For whatever reason, one of the females gave birth and then proceeded to kill her babies. Farming can be a challenge for suburbanites. We're always learning.....