God IS love
This is the lesson I have learned.
You never know what form love will take
You can't predict how it will come to you
And the way in which it will come
Because love is truly a bigger power than our hearts can actually hold
And so often we block it for the fear of its power
Yet if we truly lived in a world of love we would see no fear
It is fear that blocks us from the full experience of God as love
Fear that keeps us trapped in our bodies
Unable to express all that we were created to be
Because we are love
Truly, we are created in the image of God
And God is love
Did you get that?
God does not represent love
God does not exist as a mere face of love
God IS love
When we love in the world, we are sharing God
When we allow love into our lives we are experiencing God
So often we are afraid of love because it's power is so encompassing
I'm not talking just sexual love .... I am talking about love that seeks justice
Love that seeks to clothe itself into compassion
This is the type of love that God is
Too often we espouse love as a feeling
But just as God is multi-dimensional, so is love
So don't pretend that love comes only in one form
At one point in time
In one body
God is not limited to the constructs that we define Him as
The boxes that we put Him in
God is love
God IS Love!
Charlene Nafziger