Tuesday, August 28, 2007

August 28,2007

"You thrill me, Lord, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done. O Lord, what great works you do!" Psalm 92:4-5a

Buenos Dias!

Well we are heading back to Seattle after a two week stay here in Guatemala. It has been a busy two weeks. We have been in Panajachel to go over the housing and property one more time before December. We had a great time in one of our favorite hotels, Casa Del Mundo. We even enjoyed a ride in the back of a pickup truck with mayan ladies and a baby! Infact, we believe we have ridden every type of transportation available in Guatemala (including a chicken bus) with the exception of a horse or donkey.

The Lord, again, has carved a way through what may have been a crazy run-a-round trying to find lawyers to help us gain guardianship and incorporating in Guatemala. We came in on Wednesday and by Thursday evening we had two choices of lawyers (who work with their spouses on this type of project). Today we are signing the final paperwork! God is forever good to us. We always feel like sheep with an incredible Shepherd when we come here. He always opens the doors and networks us with the people and help that is needed to continue our journey.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Opal House

August 12, 2007


My name is Diane Boegel. My husband and I are opening up a children's home and medical clinic in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Please join us as I journal our journey!